Jumat, 01 Desember 2017

Merancang Teks Berwarna Emas dengan Efek Disintegrasi di Photoshop

Step 1

Create a new document sized 1280px * 468px with black background. We will start by preparing some background texture: Load the background texture image into Photoshop and select a piece from it, copy and paste the selection onto our document, resize to fit the canvas height and width:
Use a soft eraser with 50% flow and opacity, erase some parts of the texture as shown below:
Add the following 2 adjustment layers on top:
Black and White
and here is the effect so far for the background texture:

Step 2

Use the font we downlaoded, type some letters ove the canvas:
Select the text:
Then move the selection over to the gold texture:
Copy and paste the gold texture over to our document, then turn off the original text layer:
Apply the following Levels adjustment to this gold texture layer to adjust it contrast a bit:
Then we want to duplicate this gold texture layer once, then flip it vertically:
Use the free transform tool to perspective it as shown below:
and use a soft eraser to fade the edge as shown below:

Step 3

We will have some variation for the gold onto text. Go back to the gold texture, repeat the method describe in step 2 to get one more gold texture, place this new layer above the previous gold texture layer:
Apply the following layer mask on this new gold layer to hide some portions of it:
Add the following 3 adjustment layers as clipping masks to this new gold texture layer:
Black and white
and here is the effect so far:

Step 4

We will add some disintegration effect into the text. Here is a quick way to do this. We will use the water brushes we downloaded, create a new layer on the golden texture image, and paint some water splashes on it:
Then, we will hold down the Ctrl key, and left click on the thumbnail image of this brush layer on the layer palette:
Go back to the background layer and Ctrl + C to copy, then paste this over to our text document, resize it a bit to fit the size:
Duplicate this splash layer a few times and add them to different parts of the text:
We can add some cloud via the Cloud Filter over the text, as shown below:

Step 5

We’re almost done! For some final effects, I flatten the image, then duplicate the background layer and apply the following “Chrome” filter via Filter > Sketch > Chrome, with the following settings:
Set this Chrome Filtered layer blending mode to “screen”, reduce the layer opacity to 60%.
Apply the following selective color adjustment layer to fine-tune the colour combination a bit:
and here is the final effect I have: (click to enlarge)
That’s it for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful! Drop me a comment below if you have any question.
Till next time, have a great day!

If you want to download the necessary things in editing the tutorial above, you can visit the original blog. listed in the post below.
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