Sabtu, 02 Desember 2017

Abstrak Sci-fi Style Energy Laser Beam Creation di Photoshop

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps to create Abstract Sci-fi Style Energy Laser Beam in Photoshop. We will go through some interesting techniques to create these beams, on top of a space background, such as lighting effect, colour overlay and image adjustment.

Video Tutorial

If you have any trouble with rendering the laser beam effect, check out this video tutorial I have on Youtube Channel:

Step 1

Create a document sized 800px * 800px with black background, use a space brushset you just download, paint some subtle space pattern over the background:
1 paint
Use the Asteroids stock you downloaded, add some flying rocks over the star background: (re-size this layer as you see fit)
1 paste
Use a soft eraser, fade the some parts of this new Asteroids layer as shown below:
1 erase
Add a new layer and paint some more space pattern as shown below:
1 paint more

Step 2

We will start working on working on the laser beam. Firstly create a new layer and add soft grey dot with a soft round brush:
2 paint dot
Use a smaller brush and a brighter color, add another smaller dot to the position shown below:
2 paint smaller dot
Then use the free transform tool, distort this layer as shown below:
2 distort
Then re-size the dot as shown below:
2 resize
Continue stretching until it forms a thin shape as shown below:
2 resize 2
and here is the effect you would achieve:
2 effect

Step 3

Duplicate this bean layer a few times, scatter the lines around (re-size them as you go) and try to form a group effect as shown below:
3 dup
Merge all these beam layers together, and apply the following motion blur setting:
3 motion blur
Reduce the layer opacity of this motion blur layer to around 40%, and here is the effect you will have:
3 effect
3 erase
and here is the overall effect so far:
3 effect 2

Step 4

We will apply to some colours to the image. To do so we add a new layer and use the same method as described in step 2, but in a cyan/blue colour, drawing a beam light as shown below:
4 color
Change the blending mode to “overlay” for this new colour layer, duplicate it several times, and you will have the following effect:
4 dup
Continue to add more colour to the image as shown below, notice I added some red colour into the mix as well:
4 more color

Step 5

We’re almost done! To fine-tune the final effect, we can add some image adjustment layer on top:
Selective Color
5 neutrals
5 black
5 curves
Apply the following layer mask on the Curves adjustment layer:
5 curves mask
And here is the effect you will have: (click to enlarge)
Hope you enjoy this tutorial and find it useful. Drop me a comment below if you have any question.
Till next time, have a great day!

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